Well, I have joined the ranks of bloggers. It's about time as I have been enjoying other blogs and I should probably have my own. I don't always feel I have something important to say. We will see how this goes. Today, Rick is at Scout camp. This gives me time to play on the computer and do absolutely nothing. After a phone call from my daughter Ari, I decided to take her advice and go to Target for something to do. I thought I should drive to the school and pick up a few things there, first, and then go to the Dollar Tree and Target. It would be a nice ride (so I thought). It has been cloudy here all day and had tried to sprinkle a little rain but nothing to get anything really wet. So I gathered up and headed out toward the school. The farther south I drove, the more water on the roads. As I got close to the Bickel school, I looked down. I was covered with brown and black polka dots from the waist up. I couldn't believe how bad my shirt looked. So, I decided to come home and get the mustang. When I walked into the door, I looked at my self and was shocked to see this:
I know i am not very pretty to look at, but if you look really close, you can see the spots all over my face and shirt. Pretty funny, huh. I was not undaunted. I cleaned up, brushed my hair, changed my shirt, and went to Target in the Mustang. Probably a good idea.